Seasonal Clean – Face and Brushes

Cleaning out your makeup kit is such a wonderful feeling and two of the most important cleans of all is your complexion products and those dirty clogged brushes. Lets admit it we just don’t clean these enough.

Face: Luckily for complexion products they will tell you when it’s expired. If you look on the back of the product or products packaging you may notice a symbol resembling a jar with an open lid. This symbol should have a number on it, for instance if it reads 12 this means you have 12 months from opening the product. Some may not have this symbol so just look for a date, just as you would with food items. Not all countries have this expiry policy so best to not keep your complexion products longer than a year.

Also ever notice your powder or blush having a shiny film over it? This is due to oil from your face sticking to the product as you go back and forth with the brush or sponge. It’s easy to fix, simply scrape off the top layer with an old dry toothbrush and your back to brand new.

Brushes: Fun Fact, most people can control their breakouts just by cleaning their brushes. Every 28 days or less your skin sheds a dead layer, sound gross?  Just think of all that plus old product built up in your brushes. Wash them once a month with a gentle shampoo and lay flat off a table to air dry. Never leave damp brushes to dry standing up, or you may damage the glue that holds it together. Then once a week or more spray with an alcohol based brush cleaner. Spray and tissue off the excess product, this will not only keep bacteria at bay but make application a lot smoother and even increase the life span from 3 years to 10.

Now that you’ve thrown away the old its in with the new. There are some amazing makeup trends out for this season and buying new products is like buying a new outfit.

Some of my favourites this season:

Mecca Cosmetica brush cleaner – Clean Slate

Johnsons baby shampoo

Chantecaille Faux Cils mascara

Nars Audacious lipsticks

Hourglass Eye Shadow palettes (NEW)

Nars Luminous All Day Foundation (NEW)

Stila contouring brush (NEW)


Go on treat yourself!